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Fire prevention specialist

in supply and installation of residential and domestic sprinkler systems.

Welcome to R M Sprinklers


Fire Sprinklers the most efficient and effective safety device available.


We install them and much more helping to provide you with a firefighter ready and waiting in every room of your home or business.


“Fire deaths (including firefighter deaths) have been almost eliminated”


Other benefits include:


  • Fire injuries are reduced;

  • Significant improvement in firefighter safety;

  • Reduction in property damage;

  • Effects of arson reduced;

  • Reduction in the environmental impact of fire;

  • Reduction in the economic cost of fire


The average time taken for the fire and rescue service to reach an incident and be in a position to intervene is 10 minutes. Most people will have succumbed to the effects of fire within the first five minutes; a sprinkler will activate within the first three minutes and have the fire controlled by the fifth minute.  Smoke damage is a major cause of loss in fires.  In serious cases smoke is the main cause of death.  Sprinklers wash the larger particles out of smoke reducing its density and toxicity.  In addition the water cools the smoke making it less harmful.


A simple device that is chosen to blend with your décor and operated individually from the heat from a fire. 


How do they work?                     


Hot gases rise to the ceiling when a fire starts.  When a sprinkler is fitted the following happens:


  • the glass bulb or solder link gets hot at a specific temperature, typically 68°C & breaks, releasing a cap and allowing water to flow onto a diffuser,

  • the diffuser breaks up the water flow into carefully controlled droplets which penetrate the fire plume,

  • this cools the burning material to blow its ignition point, thus controlling the fire.


Only the sprinkler(s) directly over the fire are operated.


How are they installed?                            


The sprinklers are connected to pipework, usually filled with water, which is supplied either from the water mains or from a storage tank via a pump. When a sprinkler operates, the flow of water in the pipework operates a flow switch which in turn operates an alarm system. The flow of water is small, usually less than 1/100th of the water used by the Fire and Rescue Service.

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